‘Emma is great! She brings peace to the practise. I highly recommend her if you’re starting out or have experience and want to go a little deeper’ - J. Y.

Mysore Ashtanga Yoga

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 7am - 10am at Oru Space
Thursdays 6:30am - 9:30am at
Stillpoint Yoga London
Sundays 8am - 10am at
Oru Space

I teach Mysore Ashtanga Yoga in South East London, at Oru Space in East Dulwich.

New to Mysore style yoga? You can try two weeks of Mysore classes with me at Oru Space in East Dulwich for £25.

What is Mysore Ashtanga Yoga?  

Often described as a ‘moving meditation’, Mysore Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic form of physical (haṭha) yoga. Sequences of postures are arranged into a therapeutic order, designed to bring energy, stability and ease to the body, and peace and clarity to the mind.

‘Mysore’ is the city in south India where this form of yoga originated, and ‘Ashtanga’ refers to the Eight (aśtau) Limbs (anga) that comprise the ancient sage Patañjali’s system of yoga.  

Mysore Ashtanga yoga combines posture (āsana), breath regulation (prāṇāyāma), and concentration (dhāraṇā). By synchronising movement, breath, and focus, we learn to access states of meditation (dhyāna), and liberation (sāmadhi).

How is Mysore Ashtanga Yoga Taught?

The sequences of postures are learned incrementally over time.  You progress at your own pace, and receive individual assistance.

Mysore Ashtanga classes usually start early in the morning and are held for a few hours. You do not need to be there at the very start of class, and you only stay for as long as you need (or have time for!). You can fit your practise around your schedule.

Do I need to learn anything before coming to my first class?

You do not need to know anything before your first class. The self-led nature of these classes means they’re suitable for all levels of experience. You’ll receive plenty of one-to-one support from me and you can ask questions as you go along. You’ll learn at your own pace, so they’re perfect for people who want to try yoga for the first time.  

What can I expect in my first Mysore Yoga class?

Whether you have years of yoga practise under your belt, or it’s your first time setting foot in a yoga room, everyone’s very first Mysore yoga class begins the same way.

Once you’re settled in the space, I’ll explain the three foundations of Ashtanga yoga (breath, posture, and focus). Then, I’ll show you short, dynamic sequence of movements linking postures and breath. I’ll offer verbal cues and give physical assists with your consent.

You’ll repeat this sequence a number of times so you can develop independence right from the beginning. You’ll leave your first class with a yoga practise that you’ll be able to enjoy anytime you like, whether in class, at home, or on the road.

Allow 45 minutes to an hour for your first Mysore class.

Click here to book your place.

‘Such helpful assists from Emma -
a very kind teacher!’ - M. C.