More at peace…

“Since starting to practise Ashtanga with Emma, I’ve found freedoms in my mind and body I thought had been locked away for good. After every class I feel happier, and stronger, and more at peace, and I am so grateful to Emma for being such a patient, nurturing teacher who makes every lesson enjoyable and accessible.” - Louise

Helped physically and mentally…

“Yoga with Emma has a huge help for me both physically and mentally. I started as a complete beginner but was made to feel welcome and I've now gained a level of confidence in the sessions. Yoga is now is a real highlight of my week and I can highly recommend it.” - Joe


Calming and uplifting…

“Emma’s yoga classes have made me fall in love with the practice of Ashtanga - she has such a calming and uplifting energy and is incredibly talented.

With previous instructors I have always felt intimidated and a pressure to go at a certain pace but Emma’s classes are really welcoming and she encourages us to just do what feels good for us on that day. 

At the same time, I’ve noticed improvements in my postures, balance and strength already and look forward to learning more as time goes on.” - Gee

Given me confidence…

“For many years, I have been cyclist which typically shortens hamstrings which in turn can lead to lower back and flexibility issues. 

I’ve always wanted to get into yoga and been told by countless people it’s essential for all sports persons (particularly cyclists), however I’ve always been reluctant to do a class through fear of being really bad, silly but true.

I was committed to immersing myself throughout. I wasn’t shocked by how inflexible I was, but I was shocked by how much I enjoyed myself. Emma’s delivery and range of exercises was perfect, the little pointers that come through on zoom to help improve form, posture or technique. The class has help to relieve a lot of tension through my back, which I’m sure will improve my cycling. 

Most importantly this has given me the confidence to peruse Yoga further in future, I would like to attend a class once a week now. Massive thanks to Emma, I would highly recommend giving it a go to anyone!” - Chris