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Svadhyaya: Self-Study, Self-Practise

This workshop is an introduction to the Ashtanga self-practise method.

It is perfect for complete beginners, and for people who have experience with Ashtanga led classes and are interested in developing a self-practise.

Together we’ll break down and learn the first part of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. By the end of it you will know the Surya Namaskars, the final finishing postures, and maybe even some of the poses in between. This is a full sequence that you can take away and practise anywhere and anytime you like!


Svadhyaya is the fourth of the Niyamas of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

It means ‘self-study’, observing our thoughts, habits and emotions, becoming attuned to ‘how’ and ‘who’ we are. It can also mean ‘recitation, repetition and rehearsal to oneself’.

The self-practise method of Ashtanga yoga offers a powerful tool for just that. By memorising the sequence, you are less reliant on external support and instead have the opportunity, through repetition, to experience yourself - as you are - every time you step on your mat.